“The reason heart work is so important is that, as a tree needs to deepen its roots and widen its trunk to endure the force of unexpected storms, we need to know our true self so we can deepen our roots and solidify our connection to all Spirit and all life.”  ~ Mark Nepo

I am Rev. Deborah Mitchell, and my ministry of Guided Transitions, LLC. Is in West Reading, PA. I am an ordained Interfaith/Interspiritual minister, spiritual companion in conscious life and end of life transitions. As an Interspiritual minister, I am educated to speak the language of inclusiveness to honor, embrace, and respect the beauty of all paths. As Interspiritual clergy, we know Love is the essence of all traditions, and serve the One from which we all come.

The following is a summary of my 30 years of eclectic trainings and intentional conscious evolution of spiritual community service: The world’s religious and spiritual traditions, wisdom, and healing; mindfulness and mindful self-compassion, body-mind -spirit and Reiki healing, grief and loss and navigating life’s transitions; addictions recovery, relapse prevention and trauma work, and NVC-non-violent communication.

Currently focused on, mind-body centered awareness, conscious living and dying in life and end of life transitions, holistic continued recovery, and Reiki services.

I believe we are here to wake up, and by grace, learn and grow and help others to do the same. To make what is unconscious, conscious, so that we can grow the capacity to be more compassionate, present and skillful in navigating the journey to the heart: open to the connectedness with the whole of life and the One that dwells within and all around us.

Gratefully, I provide the following volunteer services: Mentor for One Spirit seminary students; hospice care volunteer for St. Francis Home, and Reiki prayer chain support. I tend to my body-mind and spirit with conscious contact in compassionate presence, living gratefully, deep abiding connections, time in nature, and hobbies of gardening and making and sharing love and blessings heart tie dye shirts.

As I share my gratitude for all that has enriched my life, I know true abundance. ~Daily Word (June 2023)

May all serve to awaken the heart of compassion.